Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tyler's Obsession

Ever since he was a baby, Tyler has loved shoes. In fact, I think it was like his fourth or fifth word. Who knew my son would take after me in my love for shoes? He's been putting his own shoes on for over 6 months (gotta love Crocks) and he even went through a phase of trying our shoes on. But now he's back to that phase, and only this time he's walking in our shoes. It really is very cute, so I had to share.


Anonymous said...

He's such a cutie. We sure miss seeing him (and you and Chris too).
My favorite pic is him in your slipp-ons.

Anjella said...

Stink'n cute!

Austin (14 mo.) has a shoe fetish too. I think it is so cute! He try to put on other people's shoes or he will carry his own shoes around the house just for the heck of it. He also will carry around Ellie's shoes, which doesn't go over so well with a 2 1/2 year old little girl. ;)