Thursday, August 14, 2008

Roughing It

Well, I just got home from the Sego "Camp Trip". Now, we Sego's use the term "camping" very loosely when we talk about this annual trip. My mom started this annual event two years ago, perhaps for my benefit (because prior to that my family really did go camping and had a tough time convincing me to come along).

It's not that I'm a snob; I just can't cut it (the whole camping thing I mean). I just simply don't like to be dirty or feel dirty. And I don't like to sleep on hard things, even if there is a ever deflating mattress separating me from that hard thing called Earth. Then add the prospect of getting bit by bugs, smelling like camp fire, and having to fish for your dinner. No thanks! So usually, I just stick to day trips in the beatiful outdoors, which I can truly appreciate while I'm clean.

So, the family has upgraded to "roughing it" in a cabin. Now, even here, the term "roughing it" is used loosely, because my mom seems to find the luxury cabins, which I am not at all opposed to. This year, we "camped" in Timberlakes (above Heber). We "roughed it" in a 4500 sq ft, 3- story cabin, where each couple had their own room with a comfortable queen bed and fluffy couch. We could have watched movies in our own rooms, but come on, you don't watch TV when you're "Camping". Instead my nieces and nephews did their annual pajama fashions show one night and a, I fear new tradition, of a play. My niece Amy wrote a play of her own version of Peter Pan, which turned out cute because of the kids, who played 2-4 roles each in the play except Amy who was Peter Pan. Very entertaining!

Anyway, we loved it. Tyler walked around the place like he was in Candy Land, like he owned the place. He loved it! He loved having other kids around, which sometimes makes me feel pressured to have more very quickly just so he can have playmates all the time. Oh, the pressure. But he loved being around all the kids and getting so much attention from my mom, Becca, Jen & Craig, and the others. I honestly feared he might not want to go home. But, it was nice for me, too, because I got to relax for a couple of days.

So, now we're home and back to the daily humdrum. No more "roughing it" for at least another year.

Yeah, and, as usual, I forgot my camera, so I'm left to try to beg pictures off my more responsible family members. Thanks a ton, Becca!

This is Becca with Tyler and Greta (Julie's daughter, who is 2 1/2 months younger than Tyler). Some people say they definitely look related. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Did I read correctly that you fear a tradition of chilren plays? Jeanette, truly disappointing =) That trip was a lot of fun. Banishing the kids to the basement while the adults enjoyed themselves. Truly inspiring and relaxing.