Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

This was the first Easter I could do anything with Tyler, since he is starting to get old enough to have some fun. I was excited to take him to his first Easter Egg hunt, so I looe in the newspaper and found two that were close enough to go to. Although it was drizzling outside, I still wanted to go. Tyler was very excited to look for "treats". But sometimes daddy's don't understand that you really do have to be there on time, if not early, to participate in the the 30 seconds of fun. So we just barely missed the first one. Oh well, there was still one left. But, alas, the "rain or shine" hunt didn't happen. I was sad and Tyler was a little disappointed since I had pumped him up to go hunting for treats. Better luck next year!

As for our own festivities, I actually planned ahead this holiday. I set out the easter baskets Saturday night (I mean the Easter Bunny did), and then "hid" the easter eggs in the living room and hall. I wasn't sure if Tyler would get it, until Easter morning when I heard him walking down the hall and picking up the eggs. Then came to my side of the bed to show me the "treats" in the eggs. He was very excited. I guess it doesn't take long for a kid to smell candy or figure out games involving sweets.

Then we went to church and enjoyed the nice reminder of our Savior's sacrifice and resurrection. My class of 7-year olds were even pretty good and listened to the lesson (a special Easter lesson the Resurrection), which was treat enough for me.

After church, we did our own little Easter Egg hunt on the front lawn. Tyler loved it and got so excited every time he found another eggs. It was a truly great day!


MIchelle said...

Sounds like you had so much fun! I wish we could see him! He is such a cutie!
I had good intentions of doing an easter egg hunt in the house, but then I looked at my house (that had been clean on Thursday) and decided that they would probably not even be able to find their baskets in the mess.

Ap said...

How cute is he!! Yeah you need to be at those "organized" hunts at least 10 min early because once they say go it's gone. Sounds like you made it up to him by having two more hunts at home.

Three Guys and a Gal said...

I cant believe how big Tyler has gotten just since I moved!! I love his hair!! He is such a cutie pie!!

Anonymous said...

You've got to be there atleast 5minutes early, but 10 minutes is even better. We learned that our first time too. They rarely last longer than a minute. This year Wyatt was the one to rake in the treats (EM does an awesome hunt), which was amusing since last year he got maybe one because he was crying.
Sounds like Tyler is quick to catch on, finding the eggs without help. I don't think Greta would catch on without me or the kids explaing. Way to go Tyler!

Anjella said...

Really cute!!! Looks like you had fun. :)