Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quirky Tag

I've been tagged. I guess I'm supposed to reveal 6 of my quirkiest quirks. Unfortunately, I have more than I can write, but here are some of my biggest oddities.

1. I look out the front window a few times a day for no reason at all. I don't know why I do this. I guess I'm just waiting for something exciting to happen.

2. I am OCD about light switches, hangers, and chapstick. Before I go to bed every night, I have to make sure all of the light switches are down (which can sometimes be difficult if there is more than one switch for one light). Unfortunately, the dumb electrician who wired our current house has made this impossible in the kitchen, family room, and downstairs family room. Chris likes to play tricks on me with the light switches, which drives me batty. My hangers have to be the same colors as the item of clothing that is hung on them, and my closet it arranged by color. My lips must be moistened to the perfect moistness. April and Chris will be happy to know I have relaxed a bit on this chapstick obsession. I do have several tubes of chapstick around the house, though.

3. I hate celery. I know this isn't really a quirk, but I had to get that off my chest.

4. I'm crazy about numbers. I mean really crazy. If I see numbers, I'll add them, subtract them, multiply them, rearrange them, ..... dwell on them till I go crazy...........or get a result I like.

5. I look at my own blog daily as if there might be something new or exciting on there. Usually, there isn't since I haven't written anything.

6. I use my bra as my secret pocket (for money, my cell phone, or keys). Chris and Tyler know my secret. My sisters think it's gross.

Well, I hope we're all still friends now that you know my secretest secrets. That's me. A little kookoo with a little normal in there too. I hope you'll want to share, too. Jill, cousin Anjella, April, Michele, and anyone else who might read this.


Anonymous said...

So you hate celery, that's weird. And the number thing, it must run in the family because I do the same. I had to give up Suduko because I couldn't fall asleep at night.

Anjella said...

Ya, we'll keep ya.

Ap said...

I still think of you everytime I see Napolean Dynamite and he's calling Kip to bring him some chapstick!!!

PDXTingeys said...

It's been awhile since I've checked out your blog. Tyler's Halloween costume is so cute and that story about him trick or treating is too funny.


Sister Leitner said...

Hi!! I'm a little behind on reading blogs, but I have now caught up on yours!! How funny your quirks are. Who knew all these crazy "oddities" (love that word). You seem so normal to me.

If it makes me feel any better, I sometimes look at my blog too for no reason, guess I just like to look at the pretty pictures and admire my blogging skills (hahaha).

MIchelle said...

I love that thing about light switches. Do you have to have all the screws going the same way too (ie up and down or side to side)? I don't have problems with numbers, but I do think about problems, projects, or video games alot at night if I play too late.